Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Games I Play

One of the things I love to do during my down time is play on my 360. I tend to favor the Military First Person Shooters than the run and gun type games like Halo. I also try my hardest to finish each game in single player before starting the multiplayer mode or even starting a new game. Unfortunatly this year I got several games within a few weeks of each other so I'm now playing about 3 games regularly.

Rainbow6 Vegas 2 - This game consumes much more time than it should. I'm playing it on the hardest level, while still testing my metal in multiplayer mode. 9 times out of 10 you'll find me playing this online.

Call of Duty 4 - I've kind of fallen off with this one, but I still love it and occasionally play it online. I beat the single player and loved it. It's probably my favorite game so far.

Grand Theft Auto 4 -To be honest I only bought this because I like to drive the cars. I played GTA Vice City for months without ever completing one mission. This game plays out like a really cool tv show. The only thing I don't like about it is that it's vulgar as all get out, so I can only play late at night or when my kids are not around.

Battlefield Bad Company - I bought this because I loved BF2, but this isn't BF2 by any means. I do like the game play, but I don't care much for the graphics, and the limited amount of maps. I also like the PC version of BF2, which allows for several more players per game.

Anyway hope to see you online.

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